In March:
3 Active Listings
10 Under Contract
10 Sold
$344 was the average price per square foot last month. This has ranged between $276 and $362 over the last six months. This number depends on such a wide range of factors – the size of the house, age, quality of the finishes, views, heating, construction, etc.. and is not a fully accurate measure of value, just one tool of many. The larger the house, the lower the price per square foot. The smaller the house, the higher the price per square foot. ***There is a home under contract now for $482 per square foot. *****
7 – were the average days on the market in March. This is the number of days it took for sellers to accept a contract, not to close. Some properties are zero days, some are longer if they came in too high and had to reduce the price in order to receive an offer.
104% – is the average of what sellers received on their listing price last month. This has been over 100% since November 2020. In the last six months, it has ranged from 102% – 107%. This is the price in which the home was listed when it sold, not necessarily the original listing price.. ***Some properties sell for as high as 30% or more over the asking price, while others sell below the listing price primarily due to inspection issues and condition.***
$614K average listing price
$654K average sales price
– 0.3 months of inventory – NINE DAYS. Months of inventory means the length of time it would take to sell all the homes listed in Eldorado at the current rate of sales. Six months indicates a balanced market between buyers and sellers. Less than 6 months means a seller’s market, more than 6 months means a buyer’s market.
If you would like to discuss the current state of the Eldorado market or have questions about this wonderful neighborhood, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Number of Homes For Sale vs. Sold vs. Pended (Oct. 2021 – Mar. 2022) |
Average Price per SQFT (Sold) (Oct. 2021 – Mar. 2022) |
Avg Days On Market & Sold/List Price % (Oct. 2021 – Mar. 2022) |
Average Price of For Sale and Sold (Oct. 2021 – Mar. 2022) |
Months of Inventory Based on Closed Sales (Oct. 2021 – Mar. 2022) |