2017 Eldorado Studio Tour

Preview Gallery May 20-21, 16 Avenida Torreon, 9am-5pm | Opening Reception Friday, May 19, 5pm-7pm May 20-21, 2017 10am-5pm

2017 Open Studios – May 20-21, 10am-5pm

2017 Opening Reception – Friday, May 19, 5pm-7pm, 16 Avenida Torreon (at the Max Coll Center, adjacent to the Vista Grande Public Library)

2017 Preview Gallery – May 20-21,  9am-5pm, 16 Avenida Torreon (at the Max Coll Center, adjacent to the Vista Grande Public Library)

The Eldorado Arts and Crafts Association proudly presents the 26th annual Eldorado Studio Tour the weekend of May 20-21. Once again the Tour leads the pack of spring studio tours with the largest number of artist and artisan participants in New Mexico.

The Preview Gallery kicks off the Tour on Friday, May 19, at 16 Avenida Torreon in Eldorado (the Max Coll Center, adjacent to the Vista Grande Public Library), from 5-7 p.m. with an opening reception. You can meet and talk with the artists, ask them questions about their inspiration, immerse yourself in their work, and enjoy music and light refreshments.

Artist genres include painting, ceramics, sculpture, glass, jewelry, photography, digital images, furniture, and fiber and wearable art. Also included are woodworking, mixed media, and recycled art. To enhance the enjoyment of your weekend, visit the Preview Gallery at 16 Avenida Torreon (the Max Coll Center, adjacent to the Vista Grande Public Library) in Eldorado on Saturday and Sunday, May 20-21, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to view a representative piece of each participating artist’s work. You can also pick up a brochure and a map to each artist’s studio.

Directions to the Preview Gallery:
Eldorado is located 12 miles southeast of Santa Fe on US 285, I-25 at exit 290. Go south on US 285 to the second traffic light at Avenida Vista Grande. Turn right on Avenida Vista Grande and then left on Avenida Torreon. Follow the signs to the Preview Gallery.

Please visit this link for additional information.

2017 Eldorado Studio Tour